LEVER Technology Group
Title | Code | Price (+VAT) | Length |
Mastering Wi-Fi 7 | WIFI7 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Understanding Digital Wireless Systems – RF, 5G/NR, 4G/LTE, 3G/UMTS, LoRaWAN, IoT, LPWAN, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Satellite | 603 | £3,395 | 5 days |
Fundamentals of Radio: Analysis, Design and Propagation | 604 | £2,895 | 4 days |
RF Fundamentals for Wireless Communications | 601 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Understanding Mobile & Wireless Communications | 692 | £1,895 | 2 days |
Understanding IoT, LoRa and LoRaWAN in Depth | 8102 | £1,895 | 2 days |
Introduction to 5G | 901 | £1,195 | 1 day |
5G Radio Access Network (5G RAN) | 903 | £1,895 | 2 days |
5G Radio Planning and Design | 910 | £2,485 | 3 days |
Bluetooth in Depth | 696 | £2,385 | 3 days |
Zigbee In Depth | 698 | £2,485 | 3 days |
LTE and 4G – Technical Overview | 711 | £1,195 | 1 day |
LTE In-Depth | 714 | £2,385 | 3 days |
IMS Architecture and Protocols | 646 | £1,895 | 2 days |
LTE Air Interface: PHYsical and MAC Layers | 716 | £1,895 | 2 days |
LTE Signalling | 718 | £2,385 | 3 days |
LTE Core Network | 720 | £1,895 | 2 days |
Title | Code | Price (+VAT) | Length |
Mastering Wi-Fi 7 | WIFI7 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA) | CWNA | £3,395 | 5 days |
Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) | CWDP | £2,685 | 3 days |
Certified Wireless Analysis Professional (CWAP) | CWAP | £2,845 | 4 days |
Certified Wireless Security Professional (CWSP) | CWSP | £2,895 | 4 days |
Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator (CWISA) | CWISA | £3,395 | 4 days |
Certified Wireless Technician (CWT) | CWT | £1,195 | 1 day |
Certified Wireless Specialist (CWS) | CWS | £1,195 | 1 day |
Certified Wireless Technical Specialist (CWTS) | CWTS | £1,895 | 2 days |
Title | Code | Price (+VAT) | Length |
LEVER Certified Hamina Wireless Planning Expert (CHPE™) | CHPE | £995 | 1 day |
LEVER Certified Hamina Wireless Survey Expert (CHSE™) | CHSE | £995 | 1 day |
LEVER Certified Hamina Wireless Network Engineer (CHNE™) | CHNE | £2,795 | 4 days |
LEVER Certified Hamina + Ekahau Network Engineer (CHENE™) | CHENE | £3,595 | 5 days |
Ekahau AI Pro – Wi-Fi Network Design and Survey | ESSE4 | £2,385 | 4 days |
Ekahau AI Pro – Advanced Wi-Fi Network Design, Survey and Engineering | ESSE5 | £2,995 | 5 days |
ECSE Design – ONLINE Course | ECSE-4-DES-SEAT-ONL | £2,495 | 4 days |
ECSE Advanced Design – ONLINE Course | ECSE-4-ADV-DES-SEAT-ONL | £2,495 | 4 days |
ECSE Troubleshooting – ONLINE Course | ECSE-4-TRB-SEAT-ONL | £2,495 | 4 days |
ECSE Design – CLASSROOM Training | ECSE-4-DES-SEAT | £2,995 | 4 days |
ECSE Advanced Design – CLASSROOM Training | ECSE-4-ADV-DES-SEAT | £2,995 | 4 days |
ECSE Troubleshooting – CLASSROOM Training | ECSE-4-TRB-SEAT | £2,995 | 4 days |
Fast Track to Ekahau AI Pro Training Course | ESSE3 | £2,185 | 3 days |
Title | Code | Price (+VAT) | Length |
Understanding IoT | 803 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Understanding LoRaWAN IoT Solutions | 810 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Understanding IoT, LoRa and LoRaWAN in Depth | 8102 | £1,895 | 2 days |
Smart Cities, IoT and Municipal Wireless Networks | 676 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Wi-Fi HaLow – Certified Administrator (CWHA™) | CWHA | £1,895 | 2 days |
Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator (CWISA) | CWISA | £3,395 | 4 days |
Bluetooth in Depth | 696 | £2,385 | 3 days |
Zigbee In Depth | 698 | £2,485 | 3 days |
Title | Code | Price (+VAT) | Length |
TCP/IP Bootcamp | 315 | £1,195 | 1 day |
IPv4: Protocols, Implementation, Analysis, Troubleshooting and Support | 313 | £2,385 | 3 days |
IPv6: Protocols, Implementation and Migration | 324 | £1,895 | 2 days |
VoIP and Unified Communications (UC) | 328 | £2,385 | 3 days |
Understanding Telecoms, Networking, IP, VoIP and SIP | 306 | £3,395 | 5 days |
SIP Fundamentals | 329 | £1,895 | 2 days |
SIP In Depth | 320 | £2,495 | 3 days |
Advanced Wireshark Bootcamp – Troubleshooting Networks with Wireshark | 319 | £1,895 | 2 days |
VoIP Transmission, QoS, MPLS | 326 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Comptia Network+ Boot Camp | 301 | £2,195 | 4 days |
CompTIA Security+ Boot Camp | 302 | £2,495 | 4 days |
Title | Code | Price (+VAT) | Length |
Certified Wireless Security Professional (CWSP) | CWSP | £2,895 | 4 days |
WCC Certified Wi-Fi Security Manager™ (CWSM™) | CWSM | £2,895 | 4 days |
CompTIA Security+ Boot Camp | 302 | £2,495 | 4 days |
Title | Code | Price (+VAT) | Length |
Procuring Wireless Networks and Services | PWNS | £1,195 | 1 day |
Understanding IoT | 803 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Understanding Mobile & Wireless Communications | 692 | £1,895 | 2 days |
Smart Cities, IoT and Municipal Wireless Networks | 676 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Title | Code | Price (+VAT) | Length |
Overview of Telecoms, Networking and Wireless Systems | 3012 | £1,895 | 2 days |
Understanding Telecoms, Networking, IP, VoIP and SIP | 306 | £3,395 | 5 days |
Understanding Satellite Communications Systems | 605 | £2,495 | 3 days |
Small Satellite Terminal Communications (VSAT) | 608 | £3,395 | 5 days |
Satellite Communications: Earth Station Design and Analysis | 613 | £2,985 | 4 days |
Digital Subscriber Line: ADSL, xDSL | 307 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Comptia Network+ Boot Camp | 301 | £2,195 | 4 days |
CompTIA Security+ Boot Camp | 302 | £2,495 | 4 days |
Title | Code | Price (+VAT) | Length |
Mastering Wi-Fi 7 | WIFI7 | £1,195 | 1 day |
Procuring Wireless Networks and Services | PWNS | £1,195 | 1 day |
Wi-Fi HaLow – Certified Administrator (CWHA™) | CWHA | £1,895 | 2 days |
WCC Certified Wi-Fi Network Manager™ (CWNM™) | CWNM | £3,395 | 5 days |
WCC Certified Wi-Fi Security Manager™ (CWSM™) | CWSM | £2,895 | 4 days |
Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA) | CWNA | £3,395 | 5 days |
Certified Wireless Analysis Professional (CWAP) | CWAP | £2,845 | 4 days |
Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) | CWDP | £2,685 | 3 days |
Certified Wireless Security Professional (CWSP) | CWSP | £2,895 | 4 days |